Monday, March 11, 2013

Nail Care 101: My Nail Routine

If you could not already tell, this is a Nail Care 101 post. :] Today's post is all about my nail routine from beginning to end. I will cover the products I use, along with where the product can be found. 
Check out more after the jump!

Step 1: 
Take off any existing nail polish. I prefer to use a strengthening nail polish remover with cotton balls. If it is a tough glitter polish I use the foil method and instead of cotton balls, I use cotton rounds. 

Step 2: 
It's time to take care of your cuticles. I use cuticle remover once per week and I push back my cuticles between every polishing. Click HERE to see my review of my favorite cuticle remover. Also, you want to make sure your cuticles are well moisturized. You can use a cuticle cream, hand cream, or lotion of your choice. I prefer to use baby lotion because I have such sensitive skin.

Step 3: 
 Next, take a sanding block and start sanding away. This helps get rid of the older layer and if the nail is stained it mutes the color. This step should be done after every other or every three polish changes.

Step 4:
Take a buffing block and go in the order it says (It should say on the side something along the lines of step 1, 1, etc.). This can be done after every polish change or whenever you see fit. I recommend doing this after step 3 (sanding).

Step 5: 
 Time to file and shape your nails! I like to go in with the sanding block to get an idea of a straight line. I then go in with a file. I prefer using an electric file. If you chose to use this please be careful and be skilled at using it. If you use it wrong it can damage your nails. The runner up to the electric file is a glass file and then a regular file. It has been said that it is better to file your nail in one direction. I believe as long as you do not saw, you should  be fine.

Step 6: 
 This step is optional. I like to wipe down my nails with alcohol to make sure there is no oils, nail dust, etc. on them. It also slightly draws out water, so the polish will stick better. I have found my manicures last longer when I do this. 

Step 7:
Apply a base coat or hardener. I use a harder once a week and when I am around water a lot. What you use is up to you. I use Sally Hansen Hard as Nails in clear as my hardener and the base coat from the Revlon Color Stay line.

Step 8: 
Polish as usual!

This is my nail routine in eight simple steps. All of these steps are optional and can be tweaked to your liking! All of the products I use have either been purchased through a beauty supply store, a main chain store, or from the dollar store. Have a question about a certain item or step? Feel free to ask below and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

I want to see your nails! Post them to my Facebook page or tag me on Instagram at @samantha_faye16 

I love hearing from all of you! :]